

You can make a difference by sharing your knowledge and skills with farmers, cooperatives, agribusinesses, and other agriculture sector institutions in developing countries.


Recruited from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Farmer-to-Farmer volunteers come from diverse backgrounds in the public and private sectors.


Volunteers work with farmer associations, cooperatives, women’s groups, agribusinesses, and educational institutions throughout Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.

0+ Persons Impacted

Volunteers use their skills and expertise to help communities increase their agricultural productivity and competitiveness in emerging markets.


Farmers Teach the Next Generation in Mozambique

The U.S. Agency for International Development’s Farmer-to-Farmer program is pairing highly-skilled American volunteers with a local vocational school, the Professional Training Center of Siloe. These volunteers have helped the school develop a replicable curriculum that offers students the technical and business education they need to pursue commercial farming, cultivate organic vegetables and raise small animals such as chickens, ducks and rabbits for sale. This bolsters the school’s mission to teach science, entrepreneurship and nutrition to high school students through agriculture, with the aim of helping students find new confidence in the knowledge and skills they need to pursue healthier lives, combat hunger and generate income for themselves and their families.

Blake Scott

Farmer-to-Farmer Caribbean Region

At just over 6200ft elevation, winded, but yet proud of my accomplishment, I began setting up my camera gear for what was next to come. The coffee harvest here in the mountainous region of Huehuetenango. Guatemala is home to what surely were severe 45° mountain slopes and expansive highland views; a perfect setting for great imagery. Elvera, and her two daughters, are indigenous coffee farmers and owners of a small plot of land filled with organically grown coffee plants. This is a precious opportunity so rarely given to women in a society so dominated by male influence. This was a welcomed open door for change.

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